
Breakfast Set

Aluminum for Breakfast

Early in the new milennium Siemens was determined to bring a high end, if not luxury, series of small kitchen appliances to the market. Up to that point of time there was no such thing available. A water kettle wasn’t typically an object to be displayed in the kitchen for its beauty.

Siemens Breakfast Series
Siemens Breakfast Series
Siemens Breakfast Series
Siemens Breakfast Series

When we presented the new line of products it was obvious that this would be a paradigm shift for the category. The price for the water kettle was approximately four times as high as a standard kettle, however the use of solid aluminum profiles had its price. On this basis Siemens marketing estimated 100.000 pieces over life time.

Siemens Breakfast Series
Siemens Breakfast Series

But the customers loved the new line so much that today more than 1 Million water kettles have been sold.

A beautiful example for the power of design.

Siemens Breakfast Series
Premium Line 2
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